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Energy healing is a form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the belief that life force energy flows through the human body. Energy can become stagnant in the body with physical damage and even mental pain. Over time, these blocks of energy can cause illness. The purpose of energy healing is to balance the flow of energy. Multiple surveys and studies have shown that patients who receive energy-healing therapies have a better quality of life, a stronger immune system, and fewer side effects.


The word reiki is coined by combining the Japanese words “Rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy). Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety with a gentle touch. Reiki, administered by the laying of hands (healing touch) or by distance healing, energizes the body and improves energy flow and balance to aid healing.

Reiki healing session

Reiki sessions are a powerful healing modality with no harm or side effects. Reiki not only relieves physical pain and heals the body, but it also calms the mind and nourishes the spirit. Reiki’s effects vary from person to person, but it always works where the recipient needs it most. Reiki improves physical health by working throughout the body, balancing emotions, clearing the mind, and reconnecting with your true self. The best way to understand how Reiki works is to experience it. Everyone should experience the healing and loving energy of Reiki at least once in their lifetime.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki has not only helped patients with physical ailments, but also those with mental problems. Reiki has also helped people improve their overall personalities and relationships.

Some of the benefits of Reiki are:

  • Promotes natural self-healing
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Balance energy in the body
  • Treat symptoms and causes of illness
  • Relieve pain and inflammation
  • Raise personal awareness
  • Relax and relieve stress
  • Promote creativity
  • Release blocked and repressed emotions
  • Supports meditation and positive thinking
  • Improving cellular metabolism, detoxification, and nutrient absorption
  • Improves circulation and nourishes the blood
  • Reiki improves communication and enhances creativity and quality of life.
  • Improve client confidence and self-esteem.
  • Balance glucose levels, lipids, and blood pressure
  • Reverses aging and brightens skin beautifully.
  • Heal holistically
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Relationship healing
  • Improved memory
  • Helps overcome fear and anxiety.
  • Stimulate the growth of children, plants, and animals
  • Treatment of irregular menstruation in women
  • All Ages Heel Amnesia - ADHD Issues - Autism
  • Assistance while taking medications or chemotherapy for cancer.

Reiki Attunement

Reiki is present all over our body. This means that everyone can use this profound built-in intelligent energy for healing. However, only about 10-20% of your healing capacity can be used if you are not attuned to the Universal Life Force. Once attuned to this universal energy, you can use Reiki to heal yourself and others. This gift of healing accompanies us for the rest of our lives. The skills and techniques associated with Reiki are simple and easy to learn. Children and adults alike, can understand and apply this ancient method of healing. Regular exposure to Reiki, balances the recipient's body and mind. It also helps prevent the future onset of diseases and illnesses.

Attunements are provided for

  • Reiki 1 - Basic level
  • Reiki 2 - Advance level
  • Reiki 3 - Master level
  • Karuna Reiki
  • Kundalini Reiki

Clients Testimonials

I was lucky enough to experience a Reiki treatment with Namratha. I had been having significant mood issues related to a hormone imbalance and was looking to find some relief. I did not know what to expect as it was my first Reiki treatment. A sense of calm came over me, warmth and clarity. Following the treatment, I had an emotional release that felt so relieving. I am looking forward to additional Reiki treatments with Namratha in the future.”

-Veena R

“I had the pleasure of experiencing the Reiki healing with Dr. Amit. I had no idea what a delightful and soothing feeling this would be. From the initial conversation, to determine some points of anxiety I was experiencing, right through to the Reiki treatment itself, I felt completely relaxed and comforted. I left the session feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready and wanting for more. I highly recommend Minhance wellness as a go to place for reiki treatments.

-Gayathri Ramesh

I was referred by a friend to a introductory reiki session with Dr.Amit . I had issues of stress and anxiety which had manifested into pain. Dr.Amit was very patient and explained the procedures of reiki and made me feel relaxed. After a few sessions, I started to feel lighter, more confident and focused and life felt less complicated. My family and friends are seeing the changes in me as I feel more positive. Dr.Amit came into my life at the right time and has transformed it. I am very grateful for this life changing experience that has given me a fresh lease of life. Thank you Dr.Amit.

-Prasad H.M

I was experiencing a great deal of pain in my right upper arm and shoulder.My doctors had adviced physiotherapy but the pain would take a while to subside. I was referred to Dr.Amit and after having four Reiki sessions in a row I experienced immense relief; the pain subsided over the next several days. The sessions also pointed to the source of the injury, which was more emotional and psychological than physical

-Rashmi Tiwari